#discoveringhow is ebbf’s podcast series where you will listen to the personal experiences and insights from ebbf members, people from around the world living their strong sense of mission in their workplace. In each episode we offer you stepping stones, fresh ideas, personal learnings of people who believe that ethical business can and should build the future.
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Episode 4 – Transitioning towards the spiritual enterprise
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
In this fourth episode of ebbf’s ethical business building the future #discoveringhow podcast we hear more about the function of spiritual values in companies.
Doug Henck gives us practical examples from his career for applying spiritual values in complex global business environments. Marjo Lips-Wiersma new mandates for corporations for responsible conduct as well as profit. First Maja Groff shares her views on justice as a core principle supporting spiritual values.
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
In Episode 3 of ebbf’s #discoveringhow podcast we will hear how maverick playwright, best selling author, Fullbright scholar and business school professor Dorothy Marcic sees the evolution of business over time. Wendi Momen explains a practical case of how a company reacted to global changes, putting their stakeholders first and how it paid off.
Ralph Blundell reads ebbf member James Jennings’ article on how to integrate humanity into the operating system of a business.
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
In Episode 2 of ebbf’s #discoveringhow podcast we hear from Marc Rivers on how he found himself wanting to use his position as CFO at one of the world’s largest Pharma companies to use spiritual values important to him in a way that would give meaning to his global team of financial controllers. Elsie Maio shares how the function of Spiritual Values in Companies’ can transform purpose, relationships and results. Listen to how Marc Rivers and Elsie Maio work with the power of truth in finance, branding, writing, consulting and leadership.
We read Jenna Nicholas and Daryn Dodson’s insights into how spirituality is affecting and will influence in the near future the area of finance.
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Episode 1 – meaningful work, how ebbf members view it and live it
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
In Episode 1 of ebbf’s #discoveringhow podcast we hear from Dhairya Pujara and how his need for meaningful work made him leave his job on day one and on the traits of meaningful work that Stephane Zahrai has experienced and suggests other enterprises live up to.
Finally Serge Thill offers an article with his own ideas on the principles behind meaningful work, read by South African ebbf member Tahirih Michot.